Using Wooly Nylon to create a spool of invisible thread that will last for years.> ...

A couple young kids show you how to make smoke between your fingers using a match box and a razor scooter. ...

You can make smoke simply by rubbing your fingers together using a few supplies shown here. Have fun. ...

Learn how to link two paper clips by folding a dollar bill into thirds and pulling it apart. ...

Here is an easy trick to make your audience crave more. Learn to manipulate toothpicks into different formations with little effort. Practice makes perfect, and this trick may require a few practice ...

Learn how to balance two forks on a toothpick on its tip on the edge of a glass. Lighting the toothpick on fire afterwards is optional. ...

A cool jumping ring trick. This trick used to be used in thimble magic. It is a fun trick, but it does take practice. ...

J.P. Laramy demonstrates the suspended pencil magic trick. You put the pencil right behind your hands and you make a fist to start. The secret is to keep a spoon or knife behind your hand. ...